8 February 2025, Welcome to Dural Rugby Club

Try Rugby Day 2024

Dural Rugby Club will again be running our annual “Try Rugby Day” on the 24rd of January, 2024.

Try Rugby Day is an opportunity to existing players to reconnect and get into pre-season mode, and more importantly, it’s a chance for children who are new to Rugby to come and see what Rugby is about and if it’s something that will interest them.

Try Rugby, and Rugby in general is for Girls and Boys.

This year we will have two sessions.

Session 1, from 9am to Midday is aimed at Minis, our 4 – 8 year old’s (Under 6 to Under 9).

Mini’s rugby starts as a tag game, with no contact or tackling, and is designed to help young players start to understand the concepts of Rugby in an easy and safe format. Older Minis begin to introduce some of the “breakdown” skills that make Rugby unique.

Session 2, from 1pm to 5pm, will cater for 9-year olds to-17 year olds.

Try Rugby is a free event, and we will have a sausage sizzle and other fun non-rugby activities organised, to make sure everyone is having a enjoyable day!

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