8 February 2025, Welcome to Dural Rugby Club

Code of Conduct


Dural Rugby Club has adopted the following Code of Conduct for all players, officials, parents and supporters. The code is to be read in conjunction with the ARU Code of Conduct and the ‘Respect Rugby’ program which, in association with ‘Play by the Rules’, is a proactive initiative with the aim of upholding the values, behaviours and mandatory practices of Rugby Union.

The Code is designed with the following in mind:

  • The game is played for the enjoyment of players with sportsmanship emphasised at all times.
  • To improve the physical fitness of youth through encouraging participation in
  • Rugby by making it attractive, safe and enjoyable for all young people.
  • To make adults aware that young people play to satisfy themselves and not necessarily to satisfy adults or members of their own peer group.
  • To remind administrators, coaches, referees and parents that rugby must be administered, taught and provided for the good of those young people who wish to play the game. It is their game.
  • Rugby provides the opportunity to meet new people and establish life-long friendships.
  • Basic skills and the laws of Rugby shall be imparted to all.


  1. A member, coach, player or official shall not at any time act in a manner detrimental towards the Dural Rugby Club, the game or the spirit of rugby union.
  2. Dural Rugby Club will take all reasonable steps to ensure that Club players, officials, parents and supporters do not act in a manner detrimental towards Dural Rugby Club, the game or the spirit of rugby union.
  3. During the course of or after a match under the jurisdiction of the SJRU, a club member, player, coach, official, supporter or any other person associated with a SJRU Club, shall not abuse or address a referee or a touch judge in insulting terms, nor act in an intimidating manner towards a referee or a touch judge.

Members who breach the Dural Rugby Code of Conduct may be contacted at any time by a committee member and asked to attend a special committee meeting where disciplinary action may be taken.

Please refer to the following links:

Administrator's Code

The NSWRU Administrators’ Code of Conduct will be used in conjunction with the ARU Code of Conduct which can be found on their website at http://www.aru.com.au/runningrugby/PolicyRegister/CodeofConduct.aspx

By representing yourself in an honest manner, you will endeavour to uphold the following to the best of your ability:

  • Ensure that the club distributes the Code of Conduct and Conditions of Entry and that these are displayed at home games and made known to all participants;
  • Ensure your club trains its players, coaches and Ground Marshals in their responsibilities;
  • Monitor participant behaviour for any breaches of the Code of Conduct or Conditions of Entry and take appropriate action to stop and/or sanction such behaviour;
  • Display the example of expected behaviours through your own club’s behaviours, emphasising the importance of fair play;
  • Help coaches and officials highlight appropriate behaviour and skill development, and help to improve the standards of coaching and officiating; and
  • Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from the game.

Match Official's Code

The NSWRU Match Officials’ Code of Conduct will be used in conjunction with the ARU Code of Conduct, which can be found on their website at:

By representing yourself in an honest manner, you will endeavour to uphold the following to the best of your ability:

  • Place the safety and welfare of players above all else;
  • Give all participants a ‘fair go’, regardless of ability, gender, sexual orientation, cultural background or religion – condemning unsporting behaviour and promoting respect for all participants;
  • Be impartial, consistent and courteous when making decisions;
  • Avoid any situation which may lead to or be perceived as a conflict of interest;
  • Not participate in or escalate a conflict situation;
  • Maintain a current knowledge of the laws of the game and their application; and
  • Honestly evaluate your own performance and incorporate advice from others so that you may improve your officiating.

Player's Code

The NSWRU Players’ Code of Conduct will be used in conjunction with the ARU Code of Conduct which can be found on their website at:

By representing yourself in an honest manner, you will endeavour to uphold the following to the best of your ability:

  • Play for the enjoyment, not just to please your parents or coach;
  • You will be encouraged to play hard and strive to win within the laws of the game;
  • Team spirit and club loyalty must be given priority over selfish play. Work equally hard for yourself and your team – thus your teams’ performance will benefit as well as your own;
  • When you commit yourself to a team for the season, honour that commitment. Attend all training sessions and games each week for the whole of the season;
  • Treat all other players as you yourself would wish to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take unfair advantage of any player;
  • You will play by the rules, never argue with an official, referee or other players. Let the coach or manager sort out any problems;
  • You must cooperate with coaches, team mates and opponents and play for the “fun of it”. Without them you do not have a game;
  • Players shall take pride and enjoy participating in sport;
  • Learn to win with grace and lose with dignity. Be modest in success and appreciate your opponents’ performance, even when defeated;
  • At the conclusion of the game, the opponents are to be thanked for the game as should the referee and officials who have made the game possible.

At Matches and Training

  • Ensure that you are always dressed in the correct Dural Rugby uniform for all games. You are provided with shorts and socks at the beginning of the season and a jersey is loaned to you by the club to wear at each game. No other jerseys shall be worn without prior approval from the Committee;
  • Mouth guards are compulsory for all games and training;
  • Be punctual to all games. You should be at the ground at least one hour before the match starts (or as advised by your coach and manager). If you arrive late you can expect to be a reserve if there is a surplus of players;
  • Training nights – If you are unable to attend you must notify your manager or the coach as to the reason why you were unable to attend. Failure to do this or supplying an unacceptable excuse may result in you not being selected in the run on side for the following match.
  • If a player is unsure of what to do or needs to be assisted in any way, he or she should speak to the team manager for help. You will be provided with the telephone numbers of the coach and the manager.
  • Rugby is a winter sport and the game should be considered on despite inclement weather. Always look to your manager for advice first and secondly ensure you are checking for updates via Team App, the website, Facebook and Twitter.
  • You are expected to help with the equipment at both training and at all matches. Equipment should be looked after and cared for by the whole team. Always thank your coach after all training sessions and all games.

Parent's Code

Sporting competitions are regarded as an important part of the child’s physical and social development. Attendance at matches by parents is welcomed and encouraged, but only on the condition that the following guidelines are observed. Minis and Junior Rugby has been organised for maximum participation and enjoyment of the players and your cooperation is appreciated. Parental intervention in the team selection process is not permitted.

  • Do not force an unwilling youngster to participate in rugby;
    Young people are involved in rugby for their enjoyment, not yours;
  • Ensure that your child is punctual to all games wearing the correct Dural Rugby uniform and practice sessions wearing suitable Dural Rugby attire (school jerseys etc. should be worn at school / not club rugby);
  • Children should be encouraged to participate with the focus being on the child’s effort and performance rather than the overall outcome of the game.
  • This will assist the child in setting realistic goals related to his ability by reducing the emphasis on winning;
  • Remember boys best learn by example.
  • Applaud good play by both sides. It is not sporting to show elation at an infringement of a rule or a mistake by the other side;
  • Training sessions and games are not ‘child minding sessions’. Parents are needed at matches to assist in the discipline, welfare and security of their children. At least one parent or guardian must be on hand at all training sessions to collect their child at the end of training, unless another arrangement has been made;
  • Children should be taught that an honest effort is as important as a victory, so that the result of each game is accepted without undue disappointment;
  • Never ridicule or shout at a boy for making a mistake or losing a game.
  • Encouragement will prove much more valuable in the long run;
  • Support all efforts to remove physical and verbal abuse from all sporting activities;
  • Parental involvement should be restricted to encouragement for the team. Leave the coaching, positional play, tactics, etc. to the team coach;
  • Remember the child’s commitment to the team for the season before committing to other activities on
  • Saturday mornings (for minis) or Sundays (for juniors);
  • If there is any concern about a referee’s decision or any other aspect of the game, it should be raised with the coach of your child’s team. Under no circumstances is the official’s honesty or judgement be questioned in public;
  • Do not enter onto the field when the coaches are meeting with their team at half time. Your presence whilst well intentioned will serve as a distraction to the boys and the coaches.

Spectator's Code

  • Remember that young people play organised sport for their own fun. They are not there to entertain you and they are not miniature Wallabies;
  • Be on your best behaviour. Don’t use profane language or harass players, coaches or referees;
  • Applaud good play by your own team and the visiting team;
  • Show respect for your own team’s opponents. Without them there would be no game;
  • Never ridicule or scold a player for making a mistake during the game;
  • Condemn the use of violence in all forms;
  • Respect the referee’s decisions. If there is any concern about a referee’s decision or any other aspect of the game, it should be raised with your child’s coach. Under no circumstances is the official’s honesty or judgement to be questioned in public.

Ground Marshal's Code

  • For the duration of the allocated game, your sole responsibility is being the Ground Marshal;
  • Ensure before each game:
    • Crowd Control rope is in place;
    • Team Zones are marked out;
    • ‘Conditions of Entry’ signage is visible.
  • Surveillance of the venue for the duration of the match:
  • This includes, at a minimum, meeting the other club’s Ground Marshall and completing two laps of the playing enclosure at the following intervals:
  • Report any breaches of the Codes of Conduct via correct incident reporting (online);
  • Manage the behaviour of participants within the team zone;
  • Keep everyone except the referee and any authorised additional persons behind the ropes;
  • Ensure spectators maintain Codes of Conduct by identifying and dealing with any breaches;
  • Wear the Ground Marshall fluorescent vest as an outer garment for the entire game;
  • Introduce yourself to both Match Referee and other club’s Ground Marshall prior to the game commencement;
    • 10 mins into the 1st half;
    • 10 mins into the 2nd half.
  • Shake hands with match officials and the other club’s Ground Marshal at the conclusion of the game.

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